Dave Barham tests the exciting new hunting rifle from Brocock
As soon as I heard about this rifle I knew it was going to be one that I had to get my hands on. It’s not often you come across such
a compact, lightweight hunting rifle, especially one that folds up small enough to put into a small rucksack!
There has been a lot of ‘armchair experts’ spreading misinformation that this particular rifle isn’t legal. Well, for a start do you really think that a company as big as Brocock would produce a rifle that wasn’t UK legal? Here is an excerpt from a statement issued by Brocock on the matter; “Brocock confirms that the
Brocock Ranger XR conforms with the UK Firearms Act 1968 in that it is an air weapon and is exempt from defining gun length as specified under Section 5 (1) (aba). Brocock further defines the Brocock Ranger XR as an Air Rifle, which does not exceed muzzle energy of 12 foot-pounds and is therefore not classified as especially dangerous and is exempt from the need for a Section 1 licence under the Firearms Act 1968.” So there you go, it is in fact a
legal airgun, even if the barrel is only 255mm long!