The first thing you'll notice about the new Brocock Sniper Sahara XR is that 'distinctive' sand-coloured finish.
The first thing you’ll notice about the new Brocock Sniper Sahara XR is that ‘distinctive’ sand-coloured finish. That’s perfectly natural, raised as we are in a sporting world where blued and blacked metalwork sits within traditional timber, or its laminated variant, or even the increasingly accepted black synthetic stocks. The Sahara’s lighter than-normal presentation can certainly jar an has covered that by offering the Sniper XR in no fewer than six guises, including the more soothing combinations of wood, synthetic and dark metal.
So why the sand finish7 Mainly because Brocock supplies a healthy overseas market, which includes countries where hunting in desert regions is as normal as our own adventures in this mainly green and pleasant land. Besides, Brocock has already offered this colour scheme on its Sniper HR Magnum high-power version, so the shock of this new treatment should be survivable for most of us.